Abstracts for INI2021

Key-Note Session Day 1

A vision for future nitrogen management

A vision for future nitrogen management

  Nitrogen management needs to progress immensely over the coming decades if humanity is to return to a safe planetary boundary. This requires innovation in technology to develop more site-specific management...

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Key-Note Session Day 2

Key-Note Session Day 3

Nitrogen – Friend or Foe of Soil Organisms?

Nitrogen – Friend or Foe of Soil Organisms?

Soil is the living skin of the earth. Soil is also the largest pool of organic matter on land. The turnover of this organic material is governed by the most diverse community of earth, the soil organisms, whichregulate...

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Nitrogen and water pollution in China

Nitrogen and water pollution in China

  Food security and the nitrogen-flow pattern in China have been radically changed in the past 60 years. The traditional agricultural systems, which were mainly relied on recycling organic waste, are considered...

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Key-Note Session Day 4

N matters – the art of risk communication

N matters – the art of risk communication

Stinking manure on the fields, clouds of yellow smoke set free from chimneys. Easily recognized challenges mainly cause quick answers but rarely sustainable solution. Communicating about N is a tricky task: at least in...

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Opening Sessions

2b, 4a, 5a – Nitrification and Inhibitors

1b. Responsible consumption and production and feedbacks in the N cycle

Assessing future nitrogen fertilizer demand

Assessing future nitrogen fertilizer demand

Inefficiencies in global cropland nitrogen use have led to the dissemination of reactive nitrogen throughout the hydrosphere. Assessing the future N input requirements and N use in agriculture for the five shared...

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The groundwater diet: trade-offs and benefits

The groundwater diet: trade-offs and benefits

Effects of dietary choices on groundwater pollution are often not considered in the context of sustainable and healthy diets. We used a large dataset of the National Minerals Policy Program of the Netherlands to gain...

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2a. Livestock production and nitrogen Balance and nutrient cycle

Influence of soil properties on N2O emissions

Influence of soil properties on N2O emissions

Observations on nitrous oxide (N2O) from urine and dung patches deposited by grazing cattle in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are scarce. Moreover, the effects of soil properties (e.g. pH or texture) on N2O emissions from...

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2b. Optimizing the efficiency of nitrogen use in crop production

Sustainable plant nutrition and nitrogen

Sustainable plant nutrition and nitrogen

The theme of sustainable plant nutrition is important to the sustainable management of nitrogen. The crop nutrition industry has played a large role in enhancing the earth’s capacity to support human life. Since 1960,...

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3a. Health Effects

3b. Reduction of nitrogen in wastewater

Regional nitrogen soil surface budgets Germany

Regional nitrogen soil surface budgets Germany

Results of the nitrogen (N) soil surface balances for the districts in Germany for the period 1995 to 2017 are presented. Biogas production and transfer of manure between districts are considered in the budget scheme....

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4a. Special Session Forests

4a. Threats for terr. Biodiversity

4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity

Sources of nitrogen in rivers worldwide

Sources of nitrogen in rivers worldwide

We analyse sources of nitrogen (N) in rivers worldwide in a spatially explicit way. For this, we link three global models. Today, many rivers are polluted. Over half of global N in rivers is from anthropogenic sources...

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5a. Climate Feedbacks

5b. Biogeochemical N Cycle

Nitrogen Balance of Latvia

Nitrogen Balance of Latvia

The evaluation of nitrogen balance at country level is one of key steps to responsible and effective nitrogen management system development and adoption of reactive nitrogen loss mitigation system. The nitrogen balance...

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National nitrogen flows in Germany

National nitrogen flows in Germany

Emissions of reactive nitrogen (Nr) cause a bundle of severe environmental damages. For the development of remediation measures it is necessary to quantify sources, sinks and flows of Nr. Therefore the National...

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Is Nitrogen the Next Carbon?

Is Nitrogen the Next Carbon?

  Just as carbon fueled the Industrial Revolution, nitrogen has fueled an Agricultural Revolution. The use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and the cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crops both expanded exponentially...

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The global nitrogen cycle from 1965 to 2010

The global nitrogen cycle from 1965 to 2010

  Here we provide cross-sectoral nitrogen budgets for the period 1965-2010 for 212 countries, including sub-budgets for croplands, pastures, natural vegetation, livestock systems, the food supply chain,...

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6a. Closing the N cycle innovations for sustainable N management

7a. From Science to Policy

Nr management in current Brazilian policies

Nr management in current Brazilian policies

Emissions of reactive nitrogen (Nr) have increased in Brazil from 1990 to 2015, mainly due to the enhancement of nitrogen input from human activities in the country. In this paper, we present a survey of existing...

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7b. Educational aspects, public awareness, risk communication

The first global nitrogen policy database

The first global nitrogen policy database

Calls to address nitrogen pollution are gaining traction in the policy world. However, there is little understanding of the nitrogen policy landscape across different countries. This study introduces the first global...

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Governing Nutrient Pollution Beyond Farmers

Governing Nutrient Pollution Beyond Farmers

This talk will introduce the “Governing Nutrient Pollution Beyond Farmers” project. The project is driven by the following question: is it possible to reduce agricultural nutrient pollution without regulating farmers?...

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National nitrogen budgets of Japan in 2000s

National nitrogen budgets of Japan in 2000s

Nitrogen (N) budget estimation provides fundamental information to grasp N flows among sectors of human activities (e.g., agriculture and industry) and environmental media (e.g., atmosphere and hydrosphere). We have...

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Special Session on Nitrogen Footprints

Nitrogen footprint of protein-free products

Nitrogen footprint of protein-free products

The N footprint is an indicator of N loads from individual consumption of food as well as energy. A bottom-up approach, N-calculator method, calculates the food N footprint using the N content in consumed foods, such...

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The Nitrogen Footprint for INI2020

The Nitrogen Footprint for INI2020

Global scientific conferences bring together scientists from all over the world. The related travel activities, the facilities of the venue, and the catering influence the environmental footprint of such events. With...

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Expanding the Nitrogen Footprint Pathway

Expanding the Nitrogen Footprint Pathway

N-Print was established in 2010 by researchers from the United States and the Netherlands to develop country-specific N footprint calculators. Since then it has developed into a multiplecountry project and expanded to...

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Special Session: Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Coffee plants have low NUE

Coffee plants have low NUE

Coffee is produced in tropical and subtropical zones, is widely consumed worldwide, and is highly responsive to N. Little is now about how coffee uses N fertilizer. Using data of N fertilization and N export from 468...

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