Optimising Nitrogen release in an agroforestry system

Nitrogen release through litter decomposition is a major source of nutrient return into the soil for improved crop production. This study was carried out to investigate rate of leaf litter decomposition and nitrogen release of three agroforestry speciesAnnona muricata L., Senna siamea (Lam.) and Cola nitida (Vent.). The study provided information on nitrogen release pattern of each species and appropriate method of litter application to enhance decomposition.
The global increase in human population and urbanisation have necessitated significant demand for improved yield in agricultural crops production to meet the needs of the populace. Leaf litter in agroforestry system produces organic matter, an important factor in soil formation, and nutrient cycling process (Onyekwelu et al., 2006; Solanki and Arora, 2015). Therefore, this study investigated rate of leaf litter decomposition and nitrogen release pattern of three agroforestry species- Annona muricata L., Senna siamea (Lam.) and Cola nitida (Vent.) with a view to improving soil fertility for increased food production.