Posters for INI2021

1b – Responsible consumption and production and feedbacks in the N cycle

Physiological Nitrogen release

Physiological Nitrogen release

Per capita N footprint in various regions differs and strongly related to protein consumption rates and food production N losses (Galloway et al.,2014). It is essential that in regionswith sanitation facilities...

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2a. Livestock production and nitrogen Balance and nutrient cycle

P budget calculations of German farmland

P budget calculations of German farmland

The livestock sector in Germany is characterized by regionally specialized managing systems. Livestock and further the biogasproduction is concentrated in the northwest and the south eastregions, resulting in locally...

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Assessment of nitrogen

Assessment of nitrogen

Priority environmental concerns in livestock and poultry farming in Leningrad Region in manure utilization on large-scale agricultural enterprises. The nitrogen flow on large-scale livestock enterprises in Leningrad...

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2a. Livestock production and nitrogen emissions

2b. Optimizing the efficiency of nitrogen use in crop production

Indices of crop water stress from uav images

Indices of crop water stress from uav images

Nitrate concentration has been increasing in water extracted by bore wells in lower Jizera catchment – waterworks KáranĂ˝ (Fig.1), providing 1/3 of drinking water for Prague.   Irrigated vegetables and potatoes,...

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Nitrogen and water use efficiency of maize

Nitrogen and water use efficiency of maize

Maize grown for grain is the third largest cereal crop species in the world.   In Poland, since 1990, the sowing area has increased 11 times, reaching 645..4 thous. ha in 2019, which acounts to 11% of the total...

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Effect of urease

Effect of urease

The rising world population and renewable energy policies are increasing oilseed demand.   However, the formation and emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), both directly and indirectly (e.g. derived from ammonia (NH 3)...

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Nitrogen use efficiency of maize and cotton

Nitrogen use efficiency of maize and cotton

Large farming companies are increasingly concerned with environmental indicators because of the external marked. Need to monitor farming practices. Study: Data from 2011 to 2019 of 4,519 commercial fields (1.32 Mha)...

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Changes in nitrogen agricultural practices

Changes in nitrogen agricultural practices

Nitrogen (N) is a key indispensable nutrient for all living organisms including humans. For over one century, synthetic fertilizers and agriculture intensification allowed to feed the world population, but this came...

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Impact of N-fertiliser reduction

Impact of N-fertiliser reduction

Many groundwater bodies in Germany sufferfrom nitrate leaching, specifically in regionswith high livestock densities.   In the waterabstraction area 'Belm-Nettetal' located in Lower Saxony, farmers have to reduce...

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2b. Nitrifications & inhibitors; microbes

3b. Reduction of nitrogen in wastewater to ensure clean water and sanitation

4a. Threats for Biodiversity

4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity 

Reducing future nitrogen pollution in rivers

Reducing future nitrogen pollution in rivers

Anthropogenic sources are responsible for over half of river pollution in 2010: Eutrophication is largely caused by increasing amounts of nitrogen (N) in rivers.   Reducing total dissolved N (TDN) in rivers can...

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5b. Biogeochemical N Cycle

National Nitrogen Budget for Germany

National Nitrogen Budget for Germany

Objectives – Key questions▪ National Nitrogen Budgets (NNB) aims to quantify sources and fate of reactive nitrogen (Nr).▪ How much Nr is introduced into the nitrogen cycle eachyear in Germany?▪ Where does this Nr come...

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The global distribution of soil nitrification

The global distribution of soil nitrification

Nitrification is a major pathway of N2O production in aerobic soils.   Robust prediction of gross nitrification rate (𝑅𝑛𝑖𝑡) and associated N2O production is difficult due to uncertainty in existingprocess-based...

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6a. Closing the N cycle innovations for sustainable N management

Development of biodegradable polymers

Development of biodegradable polymers

Higher fertilizer use efficiency. Better alignment of nutrient release.   Development of a biodegradable polymer coating for organic fertilizers.    Release is slowed down by applied polymer coating  ...

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7a. From Science to Policy

Nr management in current Brazilian policies

Nr management in current Brazilian policies

Nitrogen input from human activities escalated significantly in Brazil from 1970 to 2015: emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3), andnitrogen oxides (NOx) together have increased about 350% in the period....

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7b. Educational aspects, public awareness, risk communication

Special Session on Nitrogen Footprint

Nitrogen footprint calculator for Germany

Nitrogen footprint calculator for Germany

Tools to calculate personal footprints can help assess and communicate the impact of lifestyle and consumption choices to individuals. In comparison to carbon footprints however, nitrogen footprints are less well-known...

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Nitrogen footprint of protein-free products

Nitrogen footprint of protein-free products

Nitrogen (N) footprint: A usefulindicator of potential N pollution.    N-calculator method: A bottom-upapproach to obtain N footprint.   Expansion needed: Enable to calculate N footprint of protein-free (no...

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