Support for presenters
General notes for using the Virtual Event Platform
- We recommend Chrome at the most stable and consistent browser for accessing the Virtual Rooms. The platform is compatible with the latest versions of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. The web app is not compatible with Internet Explorer.
- Check your internet connection speed. If the Wi-Fi connection is unreliable, check if a cable connection is available.
- Ensure that your browser is set to remember your login password for easy login.
- Once you receive the invitation to access your Dashboard, we advise you of exploring and testing the available features, especially microphone and video. We strongly advise you of preparing yourself on the same computer and with the same internet connection as during the event. This avoids the needof last-minute actions, because different computer settings could change your experience.
Information for speakers of the parallel sessions
Before you can start the recording of your talk, you need to register for the conference. After you have registered, you will receive an invitation email from us to create a speakers-account on the CC virtual platform. Important note: For creating an account, you need to use the email address that the invitation email was sent to. How to get started and all about recording a session can be found in the video and Figure below.
How to pre-record and upload a talk for INI2021?
In this video, we show you how to record a session.

Before you start the recording, a few advices so that your audience can get the most out of it:
- Find a suitable workspace: a quiet place cut off from ambient noise and with a neutral background will allow you better interactions.
- Make sure that you are properly lit from the front, and not from behind.
- Position your webcam at eye level and make contact as much as possible.
- Use a high-quality camera with integrated microphone or a quality headset.
- Test your audio and video before recording.
- Close all other applications and browser tabs on your computer.
- Turn off your notifications on your computer.
- Put your mobile phone and tablet to silence.
What to prepare for the live discussion session:
- You should attend the live-session which you are assigned to, to answer questions and comments with respect to your talk
- Please prepare a short summary of your talk for the live-discussion (not longer than 2 minutes)
- Please introduce yourself briefly during the live-session and give the short summary of your talk
- Your Session Chair will have the chance to contact you beforehand over the CCSystem
- Ideally please watch the other pre-recorded talks of your session, to be able to interact with the other speakers.
Information for key-note presenters
Your Session Chair will have the chance to contact you beforehand over the CC-System
Please prepare for a short discussion on your talk and for an interaction with other speakers of your plenary session, moderated by the Chair of your session
If you have not done so yet, please send us a picture and a short bio-cv that we can include on our website
Information for poster presenters
How to produce a poster for INI2021?
These are the guidelines for posters:
It is recommended to create the poster in a ppt format.
Please use the following posters of the Virtual INI 2020 as an example. (Virtual Posters 2020 | 8th Global Nitrogen Conference (INI2021)) Don’t forget to include the INI2021 logo download it here on top of your poster!
Please save your presentation as follows: “id_<no of your abstract>_<first three words of the title>_<presenters name>”. For all presenters of the virtual event in May 2020: Please resend us your poster – thus we can ensure a smooth process.
All posters will be displayed on our digital poster wall on this page: