Assessment of the efficiency of nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater

One of the biggest risks to surface waters is the deterioration of their quality as a result eutrophication. The main reason for eutrophication of waters is the local increase in population density, the increasing amount of municipal wastewater ( as well as the intensification of agricultural production ( Smoroń , 2012). According to Klimiuk et al. (1995) it is estimated that about 45% of nitrogen and 70% of phosphorus discharged into waters in Poland is of wastewater origin. It is therefore important to maintain high efficiency in the removal of nutrients from wastewater. In small and medium sized wastewater treatment plants ( in Poland, achieving normalized concentrations of nitrogen in treated sewage often creates problems. The aim of the article is to analyze the factors influencing the low efficiency of N removal from wastewater and to define methods of counteracting it.
Keywords: eutrophication, nitrogen removal from wastewater