Nitrogen use efficiency in long and short-term experiments of the Russian Federation

A study of the efficiency of nitrogen utilization by winter wheat on the basis of databases of long and short-term experiments with fertilizers located in the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation and in the Moscow region on sod-podzolic soils was carried out. It was established that in the dose range of 120-250 kg / ha in the mineral and organic-mineral fertilizer systems an optimal nitrogen balance and the most complete use of the fertilizer by plants were ensured. Smaller doses of nitrogen lead to depletion of the soil, large doses lead to pollution of agrocenoses.
Currently there is a great need for agricultural production in fertilizers. Especially great is the need for nitrogen sources of plants nutrition. To assess the environmental safety of the application of different nitrogen doses and improve the efficiency of its use various methods are used. Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) – the ratio of introduced nitrogen and delivered with the crop is actively used in the studies of many authors [Norton R. et al. 2015, Brentrup F. et al. 2016].