Nitrogen budget estimation in the East Europe: A case study for Dniester and Prut catchments

Development of N budget at regional scale seems to be a valuable tool for policymakers and stakeholders to distinguish concrete N source sectors/ sinks causing higher environmental impacts. This study goal is to assess N budget within Dniester and Prut catchments (transboundary region Moldova-Romania-Ukraine). Preliminary assessments showed cumulative N input of ~450 GgNyr-1 (>30% from atmosphere) and total N-losses (NOx+NH3+N2O) of ~160 GgNyr-1 (~50% from agriculture).
Agriculture, industry and other human activities have been altering Nitrogen (N) cycling leading to N imbalance at ecosystem and regional levels. This results at numerous environmental impacts on air, water and soil quality, GHG balance and ecosystem functioning (ENA, 2011). Quantification of N flows at district scale to build joint N budget is an efficient tool for identification of relevant domains to apply mitigation measures. This study aims to develop N budget for the transboundary region in East Europe to assess N flows contribution and impact on the Black Sea.