by Alexander Sedov | May 17, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Regionalized nitrogen fate in freshwater systems on a global scale Excessive nitrogen (N) use in agriculture, together with industry and household waste, is releasing N throughout the environment, causing eutrophication in both freshwater and coastal areas. To...
by Alexander Sedov | May 17, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Simulating 50 years of land management and groundwater flow Elevated nitrate (NO3) concentrations in both ground and surface water are a common problem in regions with intensive agriculture such as Flanders. Fertilizer restrictions have in many catchments been...