by Vladislav Sedov | May 27, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Nitrate Leaching Potential for Drip Irrigated Cauliflower • Nitrate (NO3) contamination of groundwater is a significant unresolved environmental issue worldwide. Any Nitrogen (N) fertilizers not taken up by shallow rooted vegetable crops with high demand for N, such...
by Alexander Sedov | May 20, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Reducing future nitrogen pollution in rivers Anthropogenic sources are responsible for over half of river pollution in 2010: Eutrophication is largely caused by increasing amounts of nitrogen (N) in rivers. Reducing total dissolved N (TDN) in rivers can...
by Alexander Sedov | May 20, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Nitrate accumulation in an intensive small agricultural catchment The long term application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has changed theglobal N biogeochemical cycle. Understanding the fate of Nfertilizer in soil and plant system (crop uptake, residual in soil, and...
by Alexander Sedov | May 17, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Historical N load from land to East-China sea and riverine N2O emission in East-Asia East-Asia is known to be a hotspot of reactive N (Nr) pollution and hence to be a biggest source of atmospheric N2O among the global regions. In the last halfcentury, the use of N...
by Alexander Sedov | May 17, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Context is everything: what controls nitrogen concentrations in U.S. streams Understanding the controls on nutrient concentrations is important for managing aquaticecosystems. Our work focuses on understanding the biologically important summer Nconcentrations of...
by Alexander Sedov | May 17, 2021 | Posters for INI2021, Posters for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity (groundwater)
Nutrient enrichment changes water transport structures In tropical ecosystems nitrogen availability can affect the use of phosphorus by plants. The second-largest biome of South America, Cerrado, already lost more than 50% to expand croplands and pasturelands....