by Alexander Sedov | Apr 30, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Lignite improved biogas production during anaerobic digestion of swine manure • Anaerobic digestion (AD) converts organic waste into biogas, a renewable fuel which is a potential solution for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and energy crisis. • Poor operational...
by Alexander Sedov | Apr 30, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Investigating the fate and behaviour of nitrification inhibitors in soil systems Increased use of synthetic nitrogen-based (N-based) fertilisers has become a common practice to achieve higher crop yields. However, a large proportion of the applied N is lost to the...
by Alexander Sedov | Apr 30, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Improving calculation of critical loads with N2O-emission experiments What are Critical Loads? Long-term exposure to high levels of N has shown impacts on forest growth and biodiversity. It leads to soil acidification and a decline in microbial biomass. To protect...
by Alexander Sedov | Apr 30, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Leaching of nitrogen from polymer coated and stabilized, controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers. Extensive use of nitrogen fertilizer, coupled with their low nitrogen use efficiencies, cause significant amount of environmental and socio-economic problems worldwide....
by Alexander Sedov | Apr 30, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Nitrogen deposition increases sensitivity to drought observed in Swiss forests •N deposition decreased the growth of European beech in long-term forest observation sites in Switzerland. •Mortality rates of both beech and Norway spruce trees were increased with N...
by Alexander Sedov | Apr 27, 2020 | Poster Session 2020
Communicating consequences of excess nitrogen- short films for social media linking nitrogen and sustainable development goals A good communication of complex environmental problems is essential to make a change. This communication should not only focus on policy...