by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Historical N load from land to East-China sea and riverine N2O emission in East-Asia In this study, we evaluated historical N load to sea through the rivers in East Asia using process model VISIT combined with a newly developed VISIT Off-line River Nitrogen scheme...
by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Evaluation of changes in landscape loading of total nitrogen to U.S. waters using monitoring results Spatially-representative monitoring and nitrogen input inventory allow for the assessment of large-scale management effects on stream total nitrogen (TN)...
by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Nutrient enrichment changes water transport structures of savanna woody plants in Brazil Nutrient enrichment of a neotropical savanna on dystrophic soil resulted in changes in structural anatomical traits in leaves and sapwood. Increased xylemic structures resulted in...
by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Improving eutrophication indicators based on nitrogen transport and retention in watersheds Excessive nitrogen (N) use in agriculture, industry, and household waste leads to its dissemination throughout the environment, causing eutrophication in both freshwater and...
by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Reducing future nitrogen pollution in rivers of the Bay of Bengal We analyse past and future trends in nitrogen (N) export by rivers draining into the Bay of Bengal (BOB) from sources at a sub-basin scale. Many rivers of BOB were polluted in 2010. Over half of N in...
by Alexander Sedov | May 26, 2021 | Abstracts for INI2021, Abstracts for INI2021 – 4b. Threats for aquat. Biodiversity
Nitrate Leaching Potential for Drip Irrigated Cauliflower Nitrate contamination in drinking water continues to be a significant unresolved environmental issue worldwide, and in agricultural regions of California. This study focused on comparing the effects of...