Effect of application rate on nitrogen fertilizer recovery in an irrigated cotton cropping system

Effect of application rate on nitrogen fertilizer recovery in an irrigated cotton cropping system

Effect of application rate on nitrogen fertilizer recovery in an irrigated cotton cropping system Irrigated cotton in Australia on heavy textured clay soils (Vertiol) is typically described as inefficient with respect to nitrogen, due largely to significant gaseous N...
Effects from plant type and glyphosate application on mineralization of nitrogen from catch crops

Effects from plant type and glyphosate application on mineralization of nitrogen from catch crops

Effects from plant type and glyphosate application on mineralization of nitrogen from catch crops Plant residue decomposition plays a vital role in soil fertility and nitrogen leaching in agriculture, especially in connection with the use of catch crops between main...
Nitrogen use efficiency of maize and cotton in 1.32 Mha of commercial farms in Brazil

Nitrogen use efficiency of maize and cotton in 1.32 Mha of commercial farms in Brazil

Nitrogen use efficiency of maize and cotton in 1.32 Mha of commercial farms in Brazil We used data from 2011 to 2019 of cotton and maize yields and N fertilization of 4,519 commercial fields covering 1.32 Mha in Brazil to calculate nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), N...
Changes in nitrogen agricultural practices to increase farm sustainability – tomato production

Changes in nitrogen agricultural practices to increase farm sustainability – tomato production

Changes in nitrogen agricultural practices to increase farm sustainability – tomato production Abstract Nutrients, namely nitrogen, are essential to crop growth. Efficient nitrogen fertilization was tested in processing tomato plants with and without mycorrhizae, in...