Assessment of Nitrogen and Carbon compounds emission as aftermath of wildfires in Dniester Delta (Ukraine) in 2010-2019


Reed-beds and aquatic plants are among main nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) depots in the Dniester Delta capable to accumulate up to 10-15% of N from annual riverine discharge. However this N and C removal pathway is often neglected. We showed that on average 10% of Dniester Delta area were exposed by wildfires in 2010-2019. We found that mean emissions of N and C from wildfires in wetland areas over 2010-2019 made ~3 GgNyr-1 and ~96 GgCyr-1 respectively. Thus this source should be accounted in N and C balances/ budgets for this region.

Reed-beds and aquatic plants are among main nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) depots in the Dniester Delta capable to accumulate up to 10-15% of N from total annual riverine discharge. No assessment of N and C gaseous compounds’ emission resulting from wildfires/burnings in river deltas have been performed until now. This study aim is the first assessment of N and C emissions as the result of wildfires in Dniester Delta.